Q.  How Did You Realize Your Business Idea for EverBamboo?

A. Well, I started conducting more research on the advantages of Bamboo Charcoal, where my first reasoning was, “Why is this not in U.S. and Canada?” I realized that most people in these regions were using the air freshener sprays around their houses, which is typically filled with chemicals rather than Bamboo Charcoal. When Bamboo Charcoal is used as air freshener, it is sustainable, efficient and of course natural. However, these people never recognized the perfect alternative way to combat the stinky stuff of life.

Q. What is Your Company Mission Statement?

A. Our Vision is, “To Make the World A little Less Messy, One Odour At A Time.” This is our vision statement, which I consider more interesting compared to our mission which state that, “To Create Awareness Of Bamboo Charcoal Products For Consumers and Industrial Applications, and To Revolutionize How We Think About Stink.”

Q. How Do You Acquire People To Bring On Your Organization, Especially those Who Care About Your Mission?

A. We usually organize and conduct interviews, which are vital in gauging them. Throughout the meeting, with a few questions, there will be a specific question that will assess the applicant in order to determine whether he/she aligns with our mission and vision.

Q. What Are The Challenges Of Operating Your Unique Bamboo Business?

A. Just like other businesses which are trying to enter the market with a new product, generating the community or customers awareness is one of the most challenging issues. With the Bamboo Charcoal Business, being a new product in North America, many people do not understand what is it all about.

Q. Which is One of the Most Satisfying Moments In Your Business?

A. The raving reviews from the consumers and testimonials on how they have found our products practical and useful are the most rewarding. In fact, from a teenage boy, who could move their sneakers back to their homes rather than leaving them outside on the deck, a parent who saved a diaper pail through the use of Ever Bamboo rather than throwing them out, or even a couple who could enjoy their Kimchi without having the entire fridge smells like our product. These are the stories which motivate me every day.

Q. How Do You Develop A Successful Customer Base?

A. I must say that I am happy to serve one customer at a time. When we first entered the market, we strictly focused on wholesaling our Bamboo Charcoal Products. Therefore, we started our online store, a few years ago, and started selling on Amazon.com last year. The capabilities to effectively communicate directly with the end consumers is a critical strategy. For instance, we could remind our clients to reactivate their Bamboo Charcoal Pouch through automated emails.

Q. What Are Three Main Pieces of Advice You Give To Those Entrepreneurs Who Want to Start Their Bamboo Business?

A. Well, I can just tell them that Bamboo Business Investment is a long journey. All you need to do is to keep focused and pressing and of course, never give up.

Q. How Do You Market Your Bamboo Business? Which Strategic That Has Been the Most Effective and Successful in Your Overall Marketing?

A. Besides social media marketing, we like collaborating with bloggers to operate the feature deals with our products, which are exclusive to their web visitors and of course, be part of our subscription boxes. This usually develops and builds our customer base as well. Most successful strategies are marketing through Television features like The View and Good Morning America. Help A Report Out (HARO) was also an active plan and technique, which featured more than 20 times, within six months.

Q. Where Do You See Your Business and Yourself In 10 Years To Come? What About 20 Year?

A. In ten years time, the Ever Bamboo Team is expected to grow to 3+ full-time employee, and also, our product will be made available to most of the leading retailers all over the United States and Canada. Furthermore, I am sure that you will see me more on the golf course and have a lot of downtime for my family.