The Amazon Bamboo Workshop is an international event which aims to publicize the multiple benefits of bamboo and its potential for sustainable development in Peru, specifically in Madre de Dios, as well as being a meeting point where participants working with this resource exchange scientific and technological knowledge.

When: October 2-6, 2019

Where: Casa Amazonas, Tambopata in the Madre de Dios

​The Madre de Dios region is one of the most remote and biodiverse regions of the world. ​Madre de Dios also contains one the most degraded region in the Amazon rainforest, caused by the informal extraction of gold. In addition to this negative impact on the environment, these illegal practices exploit children (especially girls). During the last 35 years, more than 95 thousand hectares of forest have been destroyed from the Madre de Dios Region

​All the money obtained in this event serves as a fundraiser for the Children Bamboo Rainforest project. This project works with bamboo as an innovative resource for the conservation of the Amazon rainforest with involvement of children and adolescents in this process. When completed, the Children Bamboo Rainforest will be a healthy and safe space to promote knowledge and conservation of bamboo and its natural environment and ecosystem (flora and fauna). The Children Bamboo Rainforest belongs to the Children's Land Network of ANIA (Association for Children and their Environment), which adds its experience to the conservation of the rainforest of this region. Our mission is to reduce deforestation in the Amazon region through the education of proper bamboo management practices in schools, communities and private companies. Organizations involved are Amazon Yoga Centre, Dicma Trade, the Ned Jaquith Foundation, National University of Madre de Dios, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, and the World Bamboo Organization.


2 October

08 AM Registration                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      09 AM Welcome and Introduction                                                                                                                10 AM Walk through the jungle and organic farm

11AM Lecture 1 What is Bamboo? | Uses and Benefits
12 PM Lecture 2 Planting and harvesting
01 PM Lunch
02 PM Workshop | Planting and harvesting
04 PM Lecture 3 | Preservation and drying
05 PM Workshop | Preservation and drying
07 PM Amazonian Campfire 

3 October
08 AM Workshop | Construction Workshop
01 PM Lunch
02 PM Workshop | Construction Workshop
05 PM Lecture 4 | Architecture and Construction with bamboo
06 PM Lecture 5 | Research with bamboo, progress in recent years and what opportunities may represent further research

4 October   

08 AM Workshop | Construction Workshop 

01 PM Lunch
02 PM Workshop | Construction Workshop
05 PM Lecture 6 | Architecture and Construction with bamboo
06 PM Lecture 7 | Research with bamboo, progress in recent years and what opportunities may represent further research
07 PM Lecture 8 | Environmental education for sustainable development

5 October
07 AM Workshop | Construction Workshop
02 PM Lunch
03 PM Workshop | Construction Workshop
05 PM Lecture 9 ARBIO Perú
06 PM Lecture 10 ARCAmazon/ LPAC

6 October                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             07 AM Workshop | Construction Workshop
02 PM Farewell Lunch

​Join us and support the conservation of the Amazon Rainforest, while learning about bamboo plantation management, harvesting, preservation and construction techniques, environmental education for sustainable development, and meet extraordinary people! 

All details can be found here.