Champions of Change: Empowering Bamboo for a better Future
Dedicated volunteers steer the World Bamboo Organization. The Ambassadors work independently but are connected as a team, and we collaborate to expand the potential of our actions and our mission.
Pablo van der Lugt
Industry & environment
TEDx speaker and architectural engineer dr. ir. Pablo van der Lugt obtained his PhD at Technical University Delft in 2008 for his research about the environmental impact (LCA) of engineered biobased materials. Since then he has been active in the engineered bamboo and mass timber industry as senior consultant on the themes sustainability, circularity and biobased building, ever maintaining a connection with the academia through Delft University of Technology. He is the Innovation & Sustainability lead at MOSO international and provides independent consultancies to various other bamboo companies including BambooLogic and also serves on the Board of Directors of the highly influential Built by Nature investment fund.
He is the author of several popular books on biobased building, including Tomorrow’s Timber (2020) and the fully revised version of the bamboo bestseller Booming Bamboo (2024): He regularly publishes his research findings about engineered bamboo in popular magazines and scientific journals and conference proceedings (his full publication list can be found here van der Lugt is a highly demanded speaker following several formats, ranging from TED and Pecha Kucha talks, to keynote presentations at high-level international conferences, including the International Climate Conferences in Paris (COP 21), Katowice (COP 24) and Glasgow (COP 26). He often provides separate keynotes about the future potential of bamboo, including at previous World Bamboo Congresses and the European Bamboo Expo.